Grant Foundry

A Second (or Third) Round Of Grant Foundry?

Here's What To Do Next ....

If you’re on this page, you’ve already (or nearly) completed a round of Grant Foundry and are applying for another time. 

First of all – congratulations for getting this far and investing in your own future funding!

In the years of doing this, we have noticed some Specific issues that often come up in a second round of Grant Foundry. And as you have discovered, part of what makes this program work is the commitment and cohesion of the group. Thus, even though you’ve got the basics down, we ask you to re-commit to the program just as you did the first time. 

In the video below, Morgan goes over some of the specific challenges you may (or may not!) face, as well as a few key items on How to Maximize Your Results in the (Next Round) of the Grant Foundry program!

This upcoming round will run from mid-March to mid-June.

Please watch the video before we talk:

Early bird pricing is currently available to those who schedule an interview by Monday, February 8th 2021! Click below to schedule your interview call - we'll reach out ASAP. 

Please note – space in this program IS LIMITED due to coaching availability. While you are in the queue as an interested participant, significant delays in watching the video and/or scheduling a call may result in either not receiving space and/or loosing your opportunity for the repeat special pricing. Please take the time to complete these steps in the next 5 days.

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Next Step: InTerview Call

Enter your email below after you've finished the video.

This will notify us to set up your interview call. We will contact you in the next business day with scheduling options. 

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