Use the calendar below to choose a time for your Clarity Call

Here's what we'll do on the call

Step 1:
Identify Challenges

We will walk through where you currently are with your funding and career to identify the specific steps that are holding you back right now.

Step 2:
Set the Goal

Using the challenges we identified, we will discuss the next actions you can take to address these issues and move towards more success in your funding and career.

Step 3:
Make a Plan

You'll leave the call with more clarity on what is holding you back and what to do about it. If we can help you through one of our programs, you’ll have the opportunity to hear more about it as well.

You got into science to do big things, find solutions and answers, and make a difference for others through your research career. We help you get there by providing strategies, frameworks, and mentoring that actually work to overcome funding challenges, get out of overwhelm, and establish yourself as a leader in your field.

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